Our e-commerce platform currently does not have an integration with Paytrail. How can we enable the payment service?

Integrations with Paytrail are available for most commonly used platforms, see list of compatible platforms. We are working closely with platform providers to make the service available as soon as possible for those platforms that do not yet have an implementation. You can also inquire about the implementation timeline and progress from your platform provider.

Here are the instructions that you can provide to your e-commerce platform’s technical provider for implementing Paytrail’s payment service:

  • Integrating Paytrail’s payment interface into an e-commerce platform is generally easy and quick. Typically, the integration is completed within a few working days.
  • You can find our comprehensive technical documentation at: https://docs.paytrail.com
  • Our technical customer service team is happy to assist with any questions related to documentation and integration: tech@paytrail.com

  • Kun olette saaneet rajapinnan toimintavalmiiksi, niin pääsette testaamaan maksamista julkisilla testitunnuksilla ilman, että raha oikeasti liikkuu. Teknisesti tunnukset toimivat täysin samaan tapaan, kuin lopulliset tuotantotunnuksetkin.
  • Once your integration is completed, test our service without any real money transactions using these public test credentials. The test credentials function in the same way as production credentials.

Please also check out the FAQ related to the technical implementation of our payment service.

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