How can I start using the service?

Paytrail's payment service is easy and fast to start using.

Here's how to get started:

1. Fill out the sign up form on our website.

2. You will receive Merchant panel credentials via email. Log in to the Merchant panel and provide the requested info in the Merchant account section.

3. If your business is registered in Finland, make sure to sign the agreement with us via the Merchant panel. If your business is registered in the EU, please send us a message and we send you an agreement for signature.

4. Our customer service team will be in touch to welcome you, provide instructions and share more about the service.

5. Once we have reviewed the agreement, you will receive an email when the service is ready to use. After that, you can start taking payments online!

If you have signed up directly through your e-commerce platform provider, you will proceed directly to step 3.

If you are in a special hurry to start using our service, please contact our sales team by phone: +358 20 718 1824

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