The customer says they have paid for the order, but I can’t find it or the order appears unpaid?

Please find out what payment method the customer used when making the payment and if the payment was successful. You can then search for the payment in the Merchant panel using several different search criteria, such as date, amount and reference. You can find instructions on searching for payments in our Help Center

If the payment is found and has the status "Paid" or "Paid and settled"

  • The payment has been successful, and the money will be paid out to you. You can deliver the customer’s order/provide the service.

If the payment is found but is in the status "New" or "Cancelled"

  • Ask the customer for proof of the payment (e.g. a screenshot from their online bank). The archive ID on the customer’s receipt indicates that the payment has been successfully made. 
    • If the customer's proof of payment matches the payment information, most likely there was an interruption in the redirect from the bank to the online business (e.g. the customer closed the browser or there was internet connection issue). If the money has been deducted from the customer’s account, Paytrail will receive information that the payment was successful within 1-3 banking days, after which the status of the payment will change to Paid in the Merchant panel. 
      • If after this time the payment shows as paid, you can send the order or render service. Or if needed, you can make a refund via the Merchant panel
      • If the payment's status does not switch to paid, contact our customer service and provide us with the customer's receipt. 
    • If the customer's receipt does not match the payment information, the payment may have been made to Paytrail, but was not correctly assigned to the payment. Contact our customer service and send us the proof of payment you received from the customer. 
  • Most e-commerce platforms have a callback feature, whereby information about a change in payment status is sent as a callback to the online store. More information about callback can be found in our documentation.

If the payment is not found in the Merchant panel

  • Ask the customer for proof of the payment (e.g. a screenshot from their online bank). 
    • The archive ID on the customer’s receipt indicates that the payment has been successfully made. 
    • Check the recipient’s account number on the receipt. The customer may have made the payment via a bank transfer directly to your account.
    • Contact customer service if you do not recognize the recipient’s account number shown on the receipt.
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