If you want information about payments that have not yet been paid out to your merchant account, you can search for them in the Merchant panel using the below instructions.
To search for the current status of unsettled payments:
- From the Front page of the Merchant panel, select Payments.
- Enter the desired time interval in the Date field, keep in mind your settle cycle.
- If you have weekly settlements, choose the start day such as Wednesday of the previous week, so that all payments will certainly be included.
- In the Status drop-down menu, make sure only the Paid status is selected.
- Click Search.
- The payments that meet the search criteria will display and you can download the data as a CSV file from the Download CSV section.
To search for unsettled payments on a specific date, such as the end of the month:
- From the Front page of the Merchant panel, select Payments.
- Enter the desired time interval in the Date field.
- For example, if you want to search for payments that were not settled on the last day of December, enter 31.12. as the end date. For the start date, 5 days before the 31st.
- Click Search.
- The payments that meet the search criteria will display and you can download the data as a CSV file from the Download CSV section.
- Payments for which the settlement date is after the specified end date have been unsettled payments on the end date you selected.