Assign a reference number in the Shopify platform

If you have transaction specific settlements with Paytrail's payment service in your Shopify store, you must enable the creation of a reference number in the payment method settings. In this article you will find instructions on setting the reference number.

Transaction specific settlements refer to a model in which for every payment a separate settlement is created to the merchant's account. The reference number used in the settlement allows the data to be reconciled in the company's accounting and other back-end systems.

NOTE: Transaction specific settlements is an additional service that is implemented separately. For more information, please contact customer service.

Instructions for setting a reference number

To enable reference number generation, go to Shopify's settings and select Payments from the menu on the left and from the payment methods section select Manage and then Manage again. 


Reference numbers are generated according to the national reference number standard and contain nine characters + a check digit by default.

You can also specify a prefix that is 1 to 5 characters long, which is added to the beginning of the system-generated reference, so that the total length of the reference number is 11 to 15 characters:


Important notes:

If transaction specific settlements is activated for the merchant ID, but the setting related to the creation of Shopify reference numbers is disabled, the creation of payments will not be possible at all.

When enabled, the reference number creation replaces Shopify's payment_id information in the reference field of the payment service. As a result, it is no longer possible to retrieve payments through Paytrail's Merchant panel using Shopify's payment_id information.

As a solution to this, we have published a separate reference number interface from which it is possible to query the transfer reference number corresponding to Shopify's internal payment identifier (payment_id) or, conversely, the Shopify payment identifier based on the transfer reference number. 

Alternatively, you can search for Shopify's transaction ID by going to Shopify's settings and selecting Payments from menu on the left. In the payment methods section, select Manage and the Manage again. Finally, on the left side of Payments, you will be taken to the search view, where you will find the details of the payment based on the reference number shown on your statement:


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