Adding a new sub-merchant

The Admin can create sub-merchants in Paytrail's system from the Partner portal or through the interface. Once you a create sub-merchant, please inform our customer service team.

Note: Unfortunately Paytrail cannot accept foreign businesses operating as sole traders/proprietorships.

Creating a sub-merchant from the Partner portal:

  1. Log in to the Paytrail Partner portal 
  2. Kumppaniportaalin Kauppiaat-kohdasta valitse. In the Kauppiaat (Merchants) section of the Partner portal, click "Lisää uusi kauppias" (Add new merchant).
    partner portal front page.png
  3. Enter the requested information about the sub-merchant:
    partner portal add merchant.png
    • Y-tunnus (Business ID/registration number): sub-merchant's business ID or business registration number
    • Sivuston URL (website URL): marketplace www-address
      • If the marketplace is an app, you can put the Admin's or sub-merchant's website as the address.
    • Yhteyshenkilön email (Contact person's email): a message will be sent to this email after the sub-merchant ID has been created.
    • Palvelu paketti (package): defines the pricing for the sub-merchant.
    • Tyyppi (type): select Shop-in-Shop sub-merchant
      Note: If the sub-merchant has their business registered outside of Finland, check the the box "Ulkomaalainen kauppias"(foreign merchant).
  4. Finally, click "Luo Kauppias" (Create merchant).
  5. The new sub-merchant receives a request by email to finalize the payment service sign up.
  6. Please remind the new sub-merchant that activating the payment service requires that they log in to the Merchant panel to provide additional information and electronically sign the agreement.

Creating a sub-merchant through the interface

Requires activation from Paytrail and an API password (API Key). The API password will be sent to your email. Check our technical description for creating a sub-merchant.

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