What information should be on your online store?

When accepting a merchant, we check the content of our potential customers' online business. In this article, you will find what info you need to have on your website. 

1. Website contact information

Please make sure that the customer can easily find your company's contact information on your website. At least the following information should be available:

  • Business ID/registration number
  • Company name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Email

2. Terms

Your website must have terms available to the customer before they place an order/make a payment. The terms must state the payment options available, delivery methods, delivery times and fees, and refund policy

If products are sold to consumers in your online store, the return conditions must be in accordance with the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority's (KKV) distance selling terms and conditions. The terms and conditions should include at least the following:

  • The consumer's right to cancel the transaction within 14 days (some products are not covered by this cancelation right, check them on the KKV's website). 
  • Instructions on how the consumer can contact you regarding a return.
  • Information on whether the consumer bears the cost of returning part or all of their order.
  • Information explaining that in case of refund, the refund will be made back to the original payment method used in the order (not, for example, by bank transfer).

If the products are sold only to companies, the payment terms do not have to comply with the KKV. However, the terms and conditions must clearly state the responsibilities between the merchant and the customer

3. Payment terms

The payment terms below must be added to your online store, for example in the delivery terms.


Payment Service Provider
Paytrail Plc acts as a collecting payment service provider and is an authorized payment Institution. Paytrail Plc will be shown as the recipient on your bank or credit card statement. Paytrail Plc will forward the payment to the merchant. For complaints, please contact the website the payment was made to.
Paytrail Plc
Innova 2
Lutakonaukio 7
40100 Jyväskylä
Phone: +358 207 181 830
Business ID 2122839-7



Finnish and Swedish versions below:



Maksunvälityspalvelun toteuttajana ja maksupalveluntarjoajana toimii Paytrail Oyj (2122839-7) yhteistyössä suomalaisten pankkien ja luottolaitosten kanssa. Paytrail Oyj näkyy maksun saajana tiliotteella tai korttilaskulla ja välittää maksun kauppiaalle. Paytrail Oyj:llä on maksulaitoksen toimilupa. Reklamaatiotapauksissa pyydämme ottamaan ensisijaisesti yhteyttä tuotteen toimittajaan.

Paytrail Oyj, y-tunnus: 2122839-7
Innova 2
Lutakonaukio 7
40100 Jyväskylä
Puhelin: 0207 181830


Betalningsförmedlingstjänsten utförs och som leverantör står Paytrail Oyj(2122839-7) i samarbete med banker och kreditinstitut. Betalningar med Visa Electron eller MasterCard-kort syns Paytrail Oyj som mottagare i korträkningen och även förmedlar betalningen till köpmannen. Paytrail Oyj har verksamhetstillstånd för betalningsinstitut beviljat av Finansinspektionen. Vid klagomål ber vi er i första hand vara i kontakt med nätbutiken.

Paytrail Oyj
FO-nummer: 2122839-7
Innova 2
Lutakonaukio 7
40100 Jyväskylä
Telefon: 0207 181830


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