Changed email address or administrator

If you are unable to log in to the Merchant Panel because your email address has changed, a new user account must be created for you. A new user account is also required if the administrator has changed.

Note: Even if your email address has changed or is no longer in use, you can still log in if you have your password and two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled.

Creating a new user in the Merchant panel

The primary method is to create a new user on the Users section in the Merchant panel. This can be done by a user with the Manage users role.

Signed form by an authorized signatory

If creating a new user via the Merchant panel is not possible, please contact Paytrail customer service at

We will send you a form via email, which must be completed and returned to us. Once we receive the completed form, we will send it electronically to the company’s authorized signatory for signing. After the signature is confirmed, we will create the new user account.

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