When you make a payment on a website or via a payment link to a business that uses Paytrail's service the payment flow is as follows:
1. After you approve the payment in your bank's system, the money is transferred to Paytrail's customer reserve account (two of Paytrail’s account numbers are FI2650000120480743 & FI3050000120480768). This is why you will see Paytrail as the payment recipient on your bank account. Note! Do not make direct transfers to the above-mentioned accounts.
2. The business receives notification that the payment has been completed successfully.
3. The money is transferred from Paytrail's account to the business' account.
To make another payment to the same business
If you need to make another payment to the same business (e.g. to pay for an addition to your order or delivery fee, or to make a monthly payment such as rent payment, phone service payment, membership fees or donations), do not go to your online bank account and just copy the previous payments info to make another payment. The payment will end up in Paytrail's account and will not get transferred to the business. Instead either:
1. Make a new payment via the business' website, app or portal.
2. Contact the business to ask for their account number and then make a new payment via your online bank. Note! Paytrail’s account numbers are FI2650000120480743 & FI3050000120480768 do not use these account numbers.
If think you may have accidentally made a payment using a previous payment's info
First check the payment information:
- If both payments have the same reference number, contact Paytrail either via our website Chat or by email. Please send proof of payment for both payments that shows: your name, date, amount, reference number and archive ID. You can get this info by clicking open the payment in your online bank and take a screen shot. We will check the situation.
- If each payment has a different reference number, then each payment has been made via our service to the business and everything should be fine.
- If one payment has a reference number and the other has a message, contact Paytrail either via our website Chat or by email. Please send proof of payment for both payments that shows: your name, date, amount, reference number and archive ID. You can get this info by clicking open the payment in your online bank and take a screen shot. We will check the situation.