What is PSD2 and what does it mean for payers?

PSD2 (Payment Services Directive 2) is a European Union regulation designed to enhance the security of payment services and promote innovative payment solutions. PSD2 allows consumers to grant permission to third parties, such as payment service providers, to securely access their banking information and process payments directly from their bank accounts. This enables faster and more convenient payment methods as well as new ways to manage personal finances.

Paytrail & PSD2 solutions What does this mean for you?
Paytrail utilizes Mastercard Open Banking Solutions (formerly AiiA A/S Open Banking) in its PSD2 payment services. Mastercard Open Banking Solutions provides a reliable and secure way to handle PSD2 payments, ensuring compliance with regulations and adhering to the highest security standards.

This collaboration with Mastercard enables Paytrail to deliver seamless and innovative payment experiences that cater to the needs of both consumers and businesses. Mastercard’s established technology and expertise ensure that Paytrail’s customers can use the service with confidence.


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