To find settlement reports in the Merchant panel, follow these steps:
- Log in to the Merchant panel. The username for the Merchant panel was created when the service was activated for you.
- You can find the latest settlement reports on the front page. You can also access settlement reports from the side menu by selecting Setlement reports.
From the Settlement reports, you'll see a list of your settlement reports. The system tables the date, settlement report number, and amount in the reports. You can download a settlement report in PDF format by clicking on the settlement report number. The PDF format is only in Finnish at this time.
From the side menu > Settings, you can add a transaction specific details to your settlement report by toggling the transaction specific details on. A transaction specific list appears for those settlement reports that are generated after the setting is turned on.
The settlement report is generated automatically once a settlement has been calculated. You can have settlement reports automatically sent to your email. To set this up, go to the Merchant panel > Settings and add the email addresses desired as well as select the file format (PDF, CSV, XLSX) of the report.
Interim settlement reports
You can retrieve settlement reports for a desired time period as follows.
- From the front page select "Settlement reports".
- In the Settlement reports view, you can retrieve settlement reports by settlement number, payment reference, specific date or the time period.
- Then click "Search settlements" and click "Export".
- Next, choose the format of the report (XLSX, CSV or PDF) and click "Create" button. You can also choose if you would like to have transaction specific listings.
- In the report, each settlement is detailed with payments, fees and VAT details, if the VAT information is imported from the online store into Paytrail's systems.
- Toggle "Transaction specific listings with settlement reports" on if your online store sends product info to Paytrail and you would like to see this info on the settlement report.
- Next, click "Download" and the report will download to your Downloads folder.
Retrieving a monthly report
To download a report of monthly payments (maximum of 3 months), follow these steps:
- In the Merchant panel, click "Payments".
- Enter the desired time interval in the "Date" fields.
- Click "Show more" to see all search criteria.
- If you'd like information about the charges accrued for your report, enter "Transaktiomaksut ja provisiot" (in EN: transaction fees and commissions) in the "Description" field.*
- Click "Search payments".
- The events found with this criteria will display and you can download the data as a CSV or XLXS file by clicking "Download" and then .
* Or you can search for the settled amounts by adding text "Tilisiirto kauppiaan tilille” (in EN: bank transfer to merchant account) in the "Description" field.